Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 1: Introduction".

Chapter 1 - Introduction

2 minutes

Video Overview

This tutorial explains the broad principles that underpin good plant layout. These principles were developed in manufacturing, but they have been applied to businesses in all sectors, be that warehousing, retail and the office.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 2: The importance of good plant layout".

Chapter 2 - The importance of good plant layout

8 minutes

Video Overview

In this chapter we will examine why you should think about plant layout and why it is important. Workplaces just develop around us. As we add processes, make space for storing raw materials, or create buffers against unexpected demand, introduce new processing stages, equipment we put them in a convenient place but this may not be the most efficient.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 3:  Different options".

Chapter 3 - Plant layout: different options

3 minutes

Video Overview

Chapter 3 will look at the different sorts of layout and their benefits. There are four basic layout types:Product - or straight line, Process - or functional, Cellular - or group, Static layout or you can have a combination of all of them.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 4: Product layout".

Chapter 4 - Product layout

5 minutes

Video Overview

We will examine a product layout in more detail. We will discuss where it is best used and what is needed to make the process work well.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 5:  Process stages".

Chapter 5 - Process stages

7 minutes

Video Overview

In the previous chapter we looked at organising process stages. Here we will examine how to co-ordinate them to meet production targets.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 6:  Product lines".

Chapter 6 - Product lines

3 minutes

Video Overview

We will review the different ways you can configure your product line to best suit your operations. In the chapter we will explore the different ways long-thin and short-fat product lines are used.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 7 Process and cellular layout".

Chapter 7 - Process and cellular layout

7 minutes

Video Overview

In this chapter we look at process and cellular layouts. These are not as common as product layouts, but they do have distinct advantages for certain types of manufacturing.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 8: Route planning".

Chapter 8 - Route planning

3 minutes

Video Overview

There are many variables when you are designing a plant layout and it is difficult to keep track of them all. Here we will talk about using route planning and string diagrams to gather information and use it effectively.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 9: Mapping tools".

Chapter 9 - Mapping tools

4 minutes

Video Overview

In this chapter we will discuss various types of process mapping and how they can inform your layout design decisions. There are many mapping tools that will help you visualise how materials pass through your premises. The fact they are visual really focuses attention.


Preview image for the video "Plant Layout Tutorial - Chapter 10:  Service businesses".

Chapter 10 - Service businesses

3 minutes

Video Overview

We have discussed various layouts so far but the same lessons can be applied to service businesses. In this we will outline how it applies.


Plant Layout: Plan and choose the best plant layout

With the social distancing measures likely to remain in place for some time, now may be the time to review and rethink the layout of your premises and business processes to make sure that you can comply with any new restrictions during the COVID-19 crisis. This tutorial explains the principles that underpin good plant layout and will help you incorporate any future social distancing requirements.

Although developed for manufacturing, these principles can be applied to businesses in any sector including warehousing, retail and the office.

45 minutes
10 videos